Agent Tips and Tricks

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Here is some helpful info and tips that can be useful for a job as an agent.

General Tips

  • An unspoken rule when it comes to people taking turns to work abnormalities, usually it is two works per person, then you move to the back of the line.
  • Communication and teamwork is a superpower, even if you're only using teammates to balance damage out amongst yourselves
  • Let others know what EGO you are working for and which melts you get to make sure everybody is on the same page.
  • Depending on the abnormality, it is possible to work higher risk levels at lower levels. For example, Big Bird still has decent Instinct and Attachment rates at low levels.
  • White Damage EGO weapons are important. They are the only damage type that can resane safely. Black Damage can resane too technically, but will likely kill the person in the process.
  • ID cards can fit in PDAs, PDAs can fit on ID slots
  • Discretion is the better part of valor - don't pick a fight you can't win, or at least, don't pick it for long
  • Try to avoid dying. Some abnormalities breach from deaths, which can cause problems in an unprepared facility.
  • You can store EGO in your Suit Storage and Belt slot, as well as in your hands; meaning you can potentially have 4 EGOs at once, provided you can switch between them seamlessly
  • Knowledge is the strongest tool in the game, the more you know about an abnormality, the weaker it becomes to you
  • Meltdowns bypass ordinary stat training limits, for a point per risk level if you are past the limit.
  • Some abnormalities have been tweaked from their original sources for balancing or to make them less painful. Even if you have played Lobotomy Corporation, make sure to look at the abnormality's records to see if there is differences.
  • If you're working an abnormality whose risk level is higher than your agent level (ex. Level 2 and HE), you'll earn more stats than normal for working them
  • Be aware of abnormality fear levels, a bunch of WAWs can cause an instant panic to a level 2 agent just from sight alone - and some select few abnormalities have fear levels that don't match their risk level.
  • You're going to have bullshit deaths that were outside of your control, it's better to accept it early on.
  • Don't be afraid to ask others for advice or help.

Ordeal-Specific Tips

  • Green Noons do more damage in melee than in range.
  • For the Noon of Gold, the Handmaidens won't attack you if you don't attack them nor the Lady of the Lake in their line of sight. Lure the Lady of the Lake away from the Handmaidens whenever she summons them.
  • For the Dusk of Gold, the Ham Actor can disable your headset. After fighting it, make sure to turn it back on.
  • For Crimson Midnight, the ordeals that are red won't explode into clowns if you kill them, but will split if they are left alone too long.