The Thumb

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Note: This page pertains only to the Thumb equipment in terms of the City Map. This information may not be accurate

The Thumb is one of the Antagonist factions on the City set of maps.

Description from Library of Ruina
The Thumb is the most cultivated and humane of the Five Fingers.
Just be polite, and know to respect others.
But then, why did the Thumb top the list of Syndicates one would never want to get involved with in the survey for Fixers conducted by the Hana Association, in spite of such good manners?
The reason is simple: Hierarchy is absolute for the Thumb. To us, it’s as natural as the fact of nature that spilt blood only flows downwards, not up. One is expected to give unconditional obedience to a higher authority. That’s where the relative courteousness of the Thumb comes from.

Faction Goals

  • Grant "protection" to others for profit
  • Follow the Hierarchy
  • Expands The Thumb's influence over the city

Major Tenants

The Thumb believes in the core tenant of authority and respect. Those which disrespect the authority of the Thumb and gain a infraction may be dealt with at the discretion of the Sottocapo. Below is a list of examples of what may cause a infraction upon the eyes of the Thumb.

These are not all the rules of the Thumb

Note: The Sottocapo is the supreme authority, his word is law to the Thumb.

Thumb Ruling States
Action State
Talking within the presence of a Sottocapo without express permission Infraction
Disobeying a order from one higher within the Hierarchy of the Thumb Infraction
Interfering with matters of the Thumb Infraction
Being uncorteous within the Sottocapo's presence Infraction
Maintaining relations with the Index Infraction
Refusing a "gift" or "protection" from the Thumb Not a infraction

Thumb Roles

The thumb works in a absolute hierarchy, any questioning of the hierarchy may result in punishment.

Name Job Description
Thumb Sottocapo

(Trusted Only)

Lead the Thumb with a iron fist. Acquire Ahn through your subordinates. Kill those who do not kneel.

Delegate to your subordinates the will of the Thumb, so they may enforce your will and expand the Thumb's influence and acquire "protectees".

Thumb Capo Follow the Sottocapo's orders even to your grave. Lead the Soldato so the Sottocapo's will may be fulfilled.
Thumb Soldato You are a sworn member of the Thumb. You are a disposable tool, those within the hierarchy may use you as they wish.
The Thumb's words are law, follow them without question.

Thumb Equipment

Armor Set R W B P Requirements Special Notes
Thumb Soldato Armor 30 20 20 20 60-All
Thumb Capo 40 30 30 30 80-All
Thumb Sottocapo Armor 60 50 50 50 100-All
Part 3
Weapon Name Damage Damage Type Special Notes
Thumb Soldato Rifle 25 RED This weapon holds 5 bullets which deal 30 RED each, the rifle can be reloaded by hand or by hitting enemies with it's bayonet.
Thumb Capo Rifle 20 RED This weapon holds 5 bullets which deal 20 RED each, the rifle can be reloaded by hand or by hitting enemies with it's bayonet.
Thumb Sottocapo Shotgun 10 RED -
Thumb Brass Knuckles 35 RED
Thumb Sottocapo Cane 45 RED