Nagel und Hammer

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Note: This page pertains only to the Nagel Und Hammer equipment in terms of the City Map. This information may not be accurate outside of this mode

Nagel Und Hammer is one of the Antagonist factions on the City set of maps.

Major Tenants

Nagel Und Hammer is a subset of N-Corporation. They have a hatred of prosthetics, as well as their users.

Nagel Und Hammer is somewhat of a religious organization. Part of your goal should be to recruit new Kleinhammers for the cause.

Your goal is simple, kill and torture everyone with prosthetics, and anyone who defends them.

You may kill or amputate, anyone with prosthetic limbs.

Nagel Und Hammer Roles

Name Job Description
Grand Inquisitor(Trusted Only) The Grand Inquisitor is the leader of the detachment of Nagel und Hammer.

You lead your faction and offer guidance and organization to your group.

You are very powerful, but are unable to take as much punishment as your Grosshammer.

N-Corp Grosshammer You are the right hand of the Grand Inquisitor, and are the captain of multiple Mittlehammer squads.

You are the most powerful defensive unit in the city at any given moment, however you move at half speed.

Oftentimes, you will spearhead assaults.

N-Corp Mittlehammer You are the weakest initial role of Nagel und Hammer.

You will start as another trooper, but as more Kleinhammers get added, you will find yourself possibly becoming

squad captains

N-Corp Kleinhammer(Must be recruited) These are recruits to Nagel Und Hammer.

Your goal is to assist those above you at all times.

Nagel Und Hammer Equipment