Limbus Company Labs Paperwork

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# Limbus Company Labs - Documentation File


`This is a form for archiving all relevant data regarding the specimen being tested. Please fill in the following information properly. This form is meant for the Research Archivist.`

**`Researcher Identification`**

- `Name:`[________________]

- `Age:`[___] `Sex:`[_________]

- `Researcher Role:` [____________]




======== </center>


### `Specimen Details`

**`Abnormality Name`**: [__________________________]

(*`Note: Researchers have full authority to determine the abnormality's name and risk level, so long as they remain internally consistent`*`)

`Risk Level` (*`ONLY CHECK 1`*`)`

- [__] `ZAYIN`

- [__] `TETH`

- [__] `HE`

- [__] `WAW`

- [__] `ALEPH`

- [__] `Other*`

*`*Other must be defined in annexed documentation, if definition is not deemed valid, your direct superior will determine appropriate course of action.`*

`Specimen Description:` ---