LCL Medical

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Limbus Company Medical Roles

Rank Name Role Expectations
MGR Chief Medical Officer Run the medical department. Scream because it's medical.

Spend the first 10 minutes doing nothing, then the rest of the shift scraping bodies off the floor with a spoon.

Shoot your pharmacist for making meth in the pharmacy. Make sure that the triage stations are properly manned.

The ride never ends!

- Run the medical department

- Fill in for the surgeon as needed

- Make sure that the nurse does what they're supposed to.

- Leave the treatment room for the surgeon.

AMGR Surgeon Assist the CMO in their human butchery. Kill an abnormality with your circular saw.

Realize the nurses aren't doing shit, and make sure that the poor Low-sec bastard that got here 40 minutes ago wakes up.

Scream because you're the assistant department head of medical.

Be the baddest bitch in medbay.

- Manage your nurses

- Keep triage stations stocked with equipment.

- Perform lengthy surgeries

- Manage the Medbay treatment room.

L3 Pharmacist Make meth in the back.

Make more meth in the back.

Make a bit of mannitol to get the CMO off your ass.

Unleash your inner Walter White

Just a bit more meth.

I swear, just a bit more meth

One mor-

- Make sure the medbay is stocked with medicine.

- See Guide to Pharmacy

L2 Nurse Practitioner


Assist the Surgeon and CMO in treating patients.

In reality, recreate the Texas chainsaw massacre with LC staff.

Assist the surgeon as needed; and run off to the triage station and hit it off with the HighSec Commander.

- Help in medbay

- Run Triage stations as needed.

Limbus Company Labs Medical Zone Map

Roles in this Zone
Role Name Purpose in Zone Areas Relevant
Chief Medical Officer Heal people, Make meds.

Make sure that the med staff works.

Equipment - A place to get equipped

CMO's Office - Your private equipment as well as private quarters

Surgery - For faster surgery and revives.

Pharmacy - To prepare medicine for both medbay and triage stations

Medical Bay - A place to heal in general.


Nurse Practitioner

Heal people. Equipment - A place to get equipped

Surgery - For faster surgery and revives.

Medical Bay - A place to heal in general.

Pharmacist Make medicine for the medbay and triage stations Pharmacy - To prepare medicine for both medbay and triage stations