LCL High-Security

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High Security Zone Roles

Rank Name Role Expectations
SiCPT High-Security Commander Say something stupid and IMMEDIATELY have MOSB breach to kill you.

Alternatively, Spend the entire round itching to use your gun, and you never will.

- Run the High-Security zone

- Make sure that people that should be in there are in there

- Keep people that shouldn't be in there out.

- Keep the abnormalities alive and contained.

SZO High-Security Officer


Spend the whole round roleplaying with Big Bird, and have it protect you when it breaches.

Beat the fuck out of the clerk breaking your window.

Leave the ordeal suppression to Low-sec, so you don't die an idiot.

- Assist in the High-Sec Zone.

- Make sure that people that should be in there are in there

- Keep people that shouldn't be in there out.

- Keep the abnormalities alive and contained.

- Roleplay with abnos when no one else is.

High Security Zone Map

Roles in this Zone
Role Name Purpose in Zone Areas Relevant
High-Security Commander Protect the abnormalities.

Make sure they don't escape.

Keep Researchers safe.

Command the HSOs

Containment 1 & 2 - Where the abnormalities lie.

HSC Office - A place to grab your equipment

High-Security Officer Protect the abnormalities.

Make sure they don't escape.

Keep Researchers safe.

Containment 1 & 2 - Where the abnormalities lie.

Armory - A place to grab your equipment

Security Checkpoint - A place to let researchers in and out.


Senior Researcher

Lead Researcher

Talk with the abnormalities.

Perform minor paperwork here.

Containment 1 & 2 - Where the abnormalities lie.

Auxiliary Office - A place to do paperwork when you're done

Nurse Practitioner Triage the High security when they get minorly injured. Triage - A small medical area to heal officers.