Kurokumo Clan

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Note: This page pertains only to the Kurokumo Clan equipment in terms of the City Map. This information may not be accurate outside of this mode

Kurokumo Clan is one of the Antagonist factions on the City set of maps.

Faction Goals

  • Extort local businesses and Fixer offices
  • Protect said extorted businesses and offices
  • Wipe out the Blade Lineage

Major Tenants

As a subsidiary of The Thumb, Kurokumo Clan believes in similar tenants. Extort businesses and fixer offices for money, and protect them with your life.

You are at odds with the Blade Lineage, and they may send hitmen to kill you.

Kurokumo Clan Roles

Kurokumo Clan works in a loose hierarchy, unlike other syndicates. The Hosa is subservient to the Kashira, but unlike The Thumb, they have a completely different job than their inferiors.

Name Job Description
Kurokumo Clan Kashira(Trusted Only) Lead the Kurokumo Clan. Keep track of the businesses under your protection.

On larger missions, lead the Wakashu into combat.

Kurokumo Clan Hosa Devote your time into talking with new offices and businesses around this area of the city.

Threaten the businesses around the area; and force them to give you money.

Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Protect the businesses; Follow the orders of the Kashira.

Kurokumo Clan Equipment

Armor Set R W B P Requirements Special Notes
Kurokumo Captain Kimono 30 30 30 20 80-All Increases movement speed by 50%
Kurokumo Enforcer Dress Shirt 30 30 30 30 80-All Increases movement speed by 30%
Kurokumo Wakashu Dress Jacket 20 20 20 20 60-All Increases movement speed by 20%
Weapon Name Damage Damage Type Special Notes
Kurokumo Clan Katana 30 RED This weapon gains 1 poise for every attack.

1 poise gives you a 2% chance to crit at 3x damage, stacking linearly.

Critical hits reduce poise to 0.