Introduction to Fixer Grades

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Fixers are graded on a scale of 9-Color, with 9 being the lowest and color being the highest.

Below is a table of what each stat line corresponds to on the grading scale.

Fixer Levels, Unmodified by performance
Fixer Level Statline
9 20-39
8 40-59
7 60-79
6 80-99
5 100-119
4 120+

Manual Grading

[Staff Information] The grade of "Color Fixer" may only be applied by staff.

The above may be treated as a staff ruling.

Along with having an innate grade, each fixer can be manually graded by Hana up or down.

Manual grading must be done by a Hana representative or administrator, not by any hana fixers or interns. Along with this, only certain acts will only boost someone so high.

This acts as just a guideline, and not a hard fact.

Act Grade Boost Maximum Grade From Action
Frequently assisted the city in defence of the innocent Grade +1 Grade 7
Assisted in Hana Request (Minor)

- Fetch Quests - Minor defense requests

Grade +1 Grade 6
Assisted in Hana Request (Major)

- Slain beast(s) or player(s)

Grade +1 Grade 4
Assisted in Hana Request (Significant)

- Slain extremely strong beast(s) or player(s)

Hana Discretion Color Grade
Director of a moderately successful office

(At least 2 employees)

Note, Hana decides what successful means.

Grade +1 Grade 6
Director of a greatly successful office

(At least 3 employees)

Note, Hana decides what successful means.

Grade +2 Grade 5
Director of an extremely successful office

(At least 5 employees)

Note, Hana decides what successful means.

Grade +2 Grade 4
Medium Level Equipment

- Includes anything that requires at least one 60 stat or more to equip

Grade +1 Grade 4
High Level Equipment

- Includes anything that requires at least 100 stats to equip

Grade +1 Grade 1
Syndicate Member Slain Grade +1 Grade 4
Syndicate Leader Slain Grade +1 Grade 1
Syndicate Wipe Solo Grade +3 Color Grade

Slay multiple Blade Lineage members in honourable duels.

Grade +1 Grade 3

Slay a Blade Lineage Cutthroat or Ronin in an honourable Duel

Grade +1 Grade 1

Defend yourself against the inquisition, wearing prosthetics

Grade +1 Grade 5

Slay an Index Proxy

Grade +2 Grade 1
Clean up a moderate amount of the backstreets

(1-2 Halls)

Grade +1 Grade 7
Clean up a large amount of the backstreets

(Roughly 1/5th of the backstreets)

Grade +1 Grade 5
Clean out a massive amount of the backstreets

(1/3rd or more)

Grade +1 Grade 2
Assist in Wiping out the Backstreets Boss Grade +1 Grade 3
Wipe out the Backstreet Boss Solo Grade +3 Color Grade