Guide to Abnormality Chemistry

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Getting Started - Abnormality Chemistry and You!

This is a step by step guide on how to get abnormality chemistry!

  1. Use the enkephalin-derived substance scanner to figure out which chemical the abnormality produces
  2. Achieve 100% understanding on that abnormality
  3. Attach a chemical extraction upgrade to the Abnormality's console
  4. Work on the abnormality, each work gives you +15 of the reagent in the abnormality.
  5. Use a beaker on the abnormality to harvest the chemical
  6. Bring the beaker to the chemlab to use!

Sins and How to start Mixing

The basics of abnormality chemistry is sins. Most abnormalities will have Sins as their chemical.

Each abnormality extracts a specific sin, to find out which abnormality gives which sin, use the abnormality chemistry scanner that comes free with the kit.

Chemical Name Recipe Metabolism Effect
Liquid Emptiness Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP

If found, notify a developer.

Has no recipes.

Liquid Wrath Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP
Liquid Lust Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP
Liquid Sloth Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP
Liquid Gluttony Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP
Liquid Gloom Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP
Liquid Pride Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP
Liquid Envy Obtained from abnormality 0.5x Standard -1 HP, -1 SP

Level 2 - Syrups

Syrups are your bread and butter of combinations. Each of them has a very small use by itself, but is important for further development.

As well as being able to be crafted, certain fish contain certain syrups; if there are fishermen around, contact them for assistance!

Chemical Name Recipe Fish Metabolism Effect
Hearty Syrup 1u Liquid Sloth

1u Liquid Envy

1u Water

Mountain of Smiling Fish

Deep Fry

0.2x Standard +6 Fortitude while metabolized
Bitter Syrup 1u Liquid Envy

1u Liquid Wrath

1u Water

Water Flea

Yang Carp

Lovestruck Fish

0.2x Standard +6 Prudence while metabolized
Tasteless Syrup 1u Liquid Gloom

1u Liquid Sloth

1u Water

Yin Carp


0.2x Standard +6 Temperance while metabolized
Focused Syrup 1u Liquid Gloom

1u Liquid Gluttony

1u Water

Sea Bunny

Rat Fish

0.2x Standard +6 Justice while metabolized

Level 3 - Enkephalin Derivatives

Chemical Name Recipe Metabolism Effect
Generic Enkephalin Derivate type NT 1u Liquid Wrath

1u Liquid Lust

1u Liquid Pride

0.25x Standard +2 HP

-1 Nutrition

Generic Enkephalin Derivate type CN 1u Liquid Sloth

1u Liquid Gluttony

1u Liquid Wrath

0.25x Standard -1 HP

Cleans the user of all gore

Generic Enkephalin Derivate type CS 1u Liquid Gloom

1u Liquid Pride

1u Liquid Lust

0.25x Standard +2 SP

-20 White Armor

Generic Enkephalin Derivate type AM 1u Liquid Envy

1u Liquid Gluttony

1u Liquid Pride

0.25x Standard +5 Fortitude

+5 Prudence

-10 Justice

Generic Enkephalin Derivate type VL 1u Liquid Lust

1u Liquid Gloom

1u Liquid Sloth

0.25x Standard -1 HP

+10 Justice

Generic Enkephalin Derivate type RO 1u Liquid Gluttony

1u Liquid Envy

1u Liquid Wrath

0.25x Standard +20 Red Armor

+10 White Armor

-50 Black armor

Generic Enkephalin Derivate type WP 1u Liquid Gloom

1u Liquid Envy

1u Liquid Sloth

0.25x Standard -2 HP

+2 SP

Level 4 - High Level Chems

High level chems generally require a mix of syrups and derivates to make. These are generally very powerful, but take a bit of work to do.

note: For brevity, all Generic Enkephalin Derviates will be abbreviated to G.E.D.

Chemical Name Recipe Metabolism Effect
Odisone 1u Focused Syrup

1u G.E.D. VL

0.5x Standard +10 Fortitude

-5 Prudence

-5 Temperance

+10 Justice

Dycrasone 1u Bitter Syrup

1u Tasteless Syrup

0.5x Standard +10 to all stats.

Induces Withdrawal

Serelam 1u Hearty Syrup

1u G.E.D. RO

0.5x Standard -5 Fortitude

+10 Prudence

+10 Temperance

-5 Justice

Culpus Umidus 1u Tasteless Syrup

1u G.E.D. WP

0.5x Standard +10 Prudence

+2 SP

15% Max SP Damage when leaving system

Lesser Nepenthe 1u Tasteless Syrup

1u G.E.D. CO

1x Standard If insane, heal 7% of SP.

If not insane, heal 1 SP

Piedrabital 1u Hearty Syrup

1u G.E.D. CN

0.6x Standard Heals 4-8 HP

Small chance of stunning you.

Stun chance increases longer in system.

Gaspilleur 1u Focused Syrup

1u G.E.D. NT

0.8x Standard -40 To all stats.

+3 SP

+3 HP

Lesser Sange Rau 1u Tasteless Syrup

1u G.E.D. AM

1x Standard Rapidly converts blood to HP