Extraction Officer

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Extraction Officer Overview

Extraction Officer has time requirement of 6 hours. You are expected to have some game basics and understand how EGO works

The Extraction Officer is one of the two officer roles available in facility. They are responsible for handling EGOs, distributing them to agents when requested. They also manage the Corporate Trade Console to buy supplies and other equipment. They are however not confined to their extraction desk and have some usage around the facility. They also oversee PE boxes refining, having unique machinery to aid in this task.

They posses unique tools that only they can use, most relating to EGOs and some to abnormalities.

Extraction Tools

Tool Effect
E.G.O. Dissemination Device A portable extraction console. Using it bring up the same EGO purchase panel from Extraction, but then allow you to receive the EGO on the spot, at the arrival belt or be sent directly to an agent.
Enkephalin Resonance Unit A tool allowing the extraction of EGOs from certain tool Abnormalities. Gain charges as agents work and defeat ordeals. Ordeals will also increase the maximum charge. Not all tools have EGOs so dont hesitate to try the unit on each available tool.
E.G.O Interface Unit A switchtool allowing you to thinker with EGO weapons to upgrade them. Gain charges as agents work and defeat ordeals. Ordeals will also increase the maximum charge. Each use on a weapon will consume 1 charge, and 5 succesful usage will upgrade the weapon, increasing its damage by +5%. This can be done twice per weapon.
Suppression Level Control Key Install on a work console of an abnormality to speed up work and increase work chances. Only 1 console can be upgraded at a time and the abnormality understanding must be under 50%. The upgrade is automatically removed once the understanding reach 50%. It can also be removed early by using the key in your hand.
Qliphoth Locking Mechanism Install on a work console of an abnormality to slow down work and reduce work success rate. Only 1 console can be upgraded at a time and can only be used on abnormalities with 100% understanding. This is meant as a deterent to have people work on other abnormalities if necessary.


The Extraction Officers has access to a unique refinery that only they can use. Only one such refinery is available per shift and is chosen at random.

Refinery Effect
Blood Refinery For 75 PE and all of your health (minus 1), have a chance to generate a Refined PE Box, based on the amount of health lost.
Chance Refinery For 25 PE, have a 50% chance to generate a Refined PE Box.
Quick Refinery Input a raw PE Box into the refinery, which will be quickly refined but sent somewhere in the facility. Someone will have to bring it back to Extraction.
Timed Auto-Refinery For 500 PE, generate 5 Refined PE Boxes. This can be used every 5 minutes.
EGO Refinery Use any EGO equipment on the refinery for a 50% chance to turn it into a Refined PE Box.

How to be a good Extraction Officer?

  • At base, you only need to man the extraction desk. You instantly receive EGO purchased via the console, everyone else has to wait 10 seconds.
  • Some people do not know the stats of a given EGO or what's available. They may either ask for what's available or look throught the extraction console themself.
    • In the second case, do not be alarmed as most will simply ask you to extract the EGO after checking. Those who are a bit more rude might order the EGO on the spot, having them wait the 10 seconds. Remember that you have authority over extraction, so remind them that you are here for next time. Agents are prevented from attacking you, so you may use force if necessary.
  • To be a bit more proactive instead of playing a desk simulator, do not hesitate check on new abnormalities to apply the Suppresion Level Control Key, agents will appreciate this service.
  • More proactive agents know what EGOs they can use or what's necessary in a given situation, requesting you to send them their EGOs directly. This is where the E.G.O. Dissemination Device comes into play. Simply acknowledge their request and send them what they requested.
    • If the E.G.O. Dissemination Device is linked to an arrival conveyor, sending EGOs to agents also provide them with an E.G.O. Return Pad to send their old EGO equipment to the arrival belt for safekeeping.
  • Do not forget your refineries, they can greatly speed up the acquisition rate of Refined PE Boxes to use in the Power Inputs or for a Representative.