EGO weapons

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This page contains all EGO weapons

Only melee weapons are included due to complications with code

If you wish to search for specific properties, highlight " Extended range", " Throwable" or " small" with your cursor and click ctrl+f.


The fragile human mind is fated to twist and distort.
This weapon deals 35 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 300 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Iron maiden
Just open up the machine, step inside, and press the button to make it shut. Now everything will be just fine..
This weapon deals 25 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 1000 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A sharp sword covered in bandages. It may be able to not only cut flesh but trace of sins as well.
This weapon deals 25 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Da capo
A scythe that swings silently and with discipline like a conductor's gestures and baton. If there were a score for this song, it would be one that sings of the apocalypse.
This weapon deals 40 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The yearning to imitate the human form is sloppily reflected on the E.G.O, as if it were a reminder that it should remain a mere desire.
This weapon deals 70 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The monstrous mouth opens wide to devour the target, its hunger insatiable.
This weapon deals 110 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A rose is a rose, by any other name.
This weapon deals 80 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
(CENSORED) has the ability to (CENSORED), but this is a horrendous sight for those watching. Looking at the E.G.O for more than 3 seconds will make you sick.
This weapon deals 70 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Gold rush
The weapon of someone who can swing their weight around like a truck
This weapon deals 140 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The course of true love never did run smooth.
This weapon deals 40 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Out of space
It hails from realms whose mere existence stuns the brain and numbs us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes.
This weapon deals 50 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
What use is technology that cannot change the world?
This weapon deals 84 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
and the scent of the grave was in full bloom.
This weapon deals 70 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
I will leave behind a morrow, strong and fertile like fallen petals.
This weapon deals 70 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The flesh is willing
And really nothing will stop it.
This weapon deals 105 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Waxen Pinion
A searing blade, setting the world ablaze to eradicate evil. Using this E.G.O will eventually reduce you to ashes.
This weapon deals 80 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
...If I earned a name, will I get to receive love and hate from you? Will you remember me as that name, as someone whom you cared for?
This weapon deals 35 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 3 tiles away This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Ultimate christmas
The Santa's bag is very heavy, capable of carrying a gift for everyone in the world. This one is no exception.
This weapon deals 160 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
As long as I can kill the pallid whale with my own two hands... I care not about what happens next.
This weapon deals 70 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Chaos dunk
One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the cosmos. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips, I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my veins. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there. I Am B-Ball. Though I have reforged the Ultimate B-Ball, there is something I must still do. There is... another basketball that cries out for an owner. No, not an owner. A companion. I must find this b-ball, save it from the depths of obscurity that it so fears.
This weapon deals 30 red damage. This weapon deals 90 damage when thrown. Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Throwable,
ᓵ⚍∷ᓭᒷ 𝙹⎓ ⍊╎𝙹ꖎᒷℸ ̣ リ𝙹𝙹リ
We tried to understand what would refuse to listen. We reached for a shred of comprehension that they could give. We stared into the dark unending abyss wishing for love and compassion. In the end we recived nothing but madness, there was no hope for understanding.
This weapon deals 180 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 100 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None


The most racking pangs succeeded: a grinding in the bones, deadly nausea, and a horror of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth or death.
This weapon deals 25 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Tattered kingdom
No one remembers those who gave their effort to raise the kingdom. It’s a truth that repeats on and on.
This weapon deals 35 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Big Bird's eyes gained another in number for every creature it saved. On this weapon, the radiant pride is apparent.
This weapon deals 25 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Sword sharpened with tears
A sword suitable for swift thrusts. Even someone unskilled in dueling can rapidly puncture an enemy using this E.G.O with remarkable agility.
This weapon deals 20 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A hammer and nail, unwieldy and impractical against most. Any crack, no matter how small, will be pried open by this E.G.O.
This weapon deals 30 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Even light forms of contraint can be considered totalitarianism
This weapon deals 13 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
When one is oppressed, sometimes they try to break free.
This weapon deals 80 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Dead silence
Time flows as life does, and life goes as time does.
This weapon deals 30 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Green stem
All personnel involved in the equipment's production wore heavy protection to prevent them from being influenced by the entity.
This weapon deals 32 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Ebony stem
An apple does not culminate when it ripens to bright red; only when the apple shrivels up and attracts lowly creatures.
This weapon deals 35 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Torn off wings
He stopped, gave a deep sigh, quickly tore from his shoulders the ribbon Marie had tied around him, pressed it to his lips, put it on as a token, and, bravely brandishing his bare sword, jumped as nimbly as a bird over the ledge of the cabinet to the floor.
This weapon deals 10 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
It was a good day to die, but everybody did.
This weapon deals 30 black damage. This weapon deals 65 damage when thrown. Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Throwable,
A round of applause, for the clowns who joined us for tonight’s show!
This weapon deals 15 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Seeing that I wasn't amused, it took out another tool. I thought it was a tool. Just that moment.
This weapon deals 15 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Black swan
It yeared for a dream it would never wake up from, but reality was as cruel as ever.All that was left is a worn parasol it once treasured.
This weapon deals 17 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The thirst will never truly be quenched.
This weapon deals 32 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
This weapon deals 20 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The serpentine ornament is loyal to the original owner’s taste. The snake’s open mouth represents the endless yearning for music.
This weapon deals 32 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A spear covered in spores and affection. It lights the employee's heart, shines like a star, and steadily tames them.
This weapon deals 30 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Blind Rage
Those who suffer injustice tend to lash out at all those around them.
This weapon deals 40 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Bleeding heart
The supplicant will suffer various ordeals in a manner like being put through a trial.
This weapon deals 30 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Many employees have sustained injuries from erroneous calculation.
This weapon deals 40 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A giant novelty pen.
This weapon deals 30 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
The rings attached to the cane represent the middle way and the Six Paramitas.
This weapon deals 40 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
The existance of evil proves the existance of good, just as light proves the existance of darkness.
This weapon deals 28 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Crimson claw
It's more important to deliver a decisive strike in blind hatred without hesitation than to hold on to insecure courage.
This weapon deals 18 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
But why is it about ‘innocence’? After countless assumptions and careful research, we learned that it could be defined as [REDACTED].
This weapon deals 72 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Stay frozen... And there will be no pain.
This weapon deals 75 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The frothing madness of the revving engine brings a fleeting warmth to your hands and heart alike.
This weapon deals 12 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Psychic dagger
A saber from the deepest sea, meant for a groom's mortality.
This weapon deals 13 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
I should’ve said that I'm sorry that I let go of your hand and apologized, even if it didn't mean anything.
This weapon deals 16 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Cobalt scar
Once upon a time, these claws would cut open the bellies of numerous creatures and tear apart their guts.
This weapon deals 24 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
As written in the scenario
The scenario is about a man who was raised in a normal family. One day, he picks up a mask from the street and goes on to impulsively murder all the people that he knows.
This weapon deals 38 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Garden of thorns
See? Wish, wish for it. Knowing that it is a sin. Only then can you bloom such colorful roses.
This weapon deals 40 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Blind obsession
All hands, full speed toward where the lights flicker. The waves... will lay waste to everything in our way.
This weapon deals 80 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Abyssal route
I am the only one who moves in these waves. ... Shatter.
This weapon deals 20 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 50 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None


Blind fury
A fancy black and white halberd with a sharp blade. Whose head will it cut off next?
This weapon deals 41 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 40 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Grinder MK4
The sharp sawtooth of the grinder makes a clean cut through its enemy. Its operation is simple and straightforward, but that doesn't necessarily make it easy to wield.
This weapon deals 30 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The last legacy of the man who sought wisdom. The rake tilled the human brain instead of farmland.
This weapon deals 30 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Bear paw
The paws made form, and given life.
This weapon deals 12 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Life for a daredevil
An ancient sword surrounded in death, yet it's having it in your grasp that makes you feel the most alive.
This weapon deals 12 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
With my infinite hatred, I give you this gift.
This weapon deals 54 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A versatile equipment made to cut down trees and people alike.
This weapon deals 33 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Can I follow you forever? So I can tear them apart...
This weapon deals 10 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Together we are unstoppable.
This weapon deals 54 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
If the goal of life is happiness, does it really matter how we get it?
This weapon deals 30 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Nothing makes as fascinating music as a human can.
This weapon deals 25 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
It's a small knife forged of black metal.
This weapon deals 9 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Bare metal
Looks to be a fan blade with a handle welded to it.
This weapon deals 40 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
I'll grind your bones to make my bread!
This weapon deals 54 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Homing instinct
It's about the journey AND the destination!
This weapon deals 0 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Brick road
To the wizard we go!
This weapon deals 50 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Man eater
If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!
This weapon deals 30 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Death, where is thy sting?
This weapon deals 25 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
You should consider it an honor. The humans who have joined me could attain greater wealth and glory.
This weapon deals 12 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Together, we are in rot.
This weapon deals 50 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Get Strong
It whirls and twirls and yet feels limp... Do you love the City you live in?
This weapon deals 15 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Impending day
You, too, will be a live offering.
This weapon deals 55 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Fluid sac
Crush them, even if you must disgorge everything.
This weapon deals 55 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
As if everything else were hollow and pointless, the wailing numbs even the brain, making it impossible to think.
This weapon deals 54 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Sanguine desire
The axe may seem light, but the wielder musn't forget that it has hurt countless people as a consequence of poor choices.

The weapon is stronger when used by an employee with strong conviction.

This weapon deals 40 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A mechanical yet sinewy claw ribbed with circuitry. It reminds you of toy claw machines.
This weapon deals 25 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Dimension shredder
The path is intent on thwarting all attempts to memorize it.
This weapon deals 24 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Dimensional ripple
They should've died after bleeding so much. You usually don't quarantine a corpse....
This weapon deals 24 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
People lie all the time. Why is that a bad thing?
This weapon deals 40 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Roseate desire
A salacious cat o' nine tails made from pink ribbons. Merely touching it ushers a primal excitement.
This weapon deals 35 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A nasty-looking bat covered with nails.
This weapon deals 25 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
They existed everywhere, but we were the ones to first discover their existence. We were the first to encounter them. We were faced with fear. They were - are fear itself.
This weapon deals 33 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Lifetime stew
Salutations! I implore thee to try this soup!
This weapon deals 35 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Lifetime stew
Take a large stone, put it into a sufficient quantity of boiling water; properly season it with pepper and salt... When the soup is made the stone may be thrown away!
This weapon deals 45 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Midwinter nightmare
How's about I tell you a tale?
This weapon deals 40 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
This camera captures those dying moments one last time.
This weapon deals 50 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
What seems to be a giant half of a scissors pair.
This weapon deals 20 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
The snake leather used in this whip is hardened by the sun
This weapon deals 30 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 4 tiles away This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
It's a large scythe, that probably hurts a lot.
This weapon deals 40 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 4 tiles away This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
Nixie divergence
It looks like a hammer with a steam exhaust port.
This weapon deals 60 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
I cannot protect you from this rain, but I can guard you from false kindness.
This weapon deals 17 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The gods are always right, as they are just. Your sacrifice will please them.
This weapon deals 25 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The elderly man showed a red thread connecting the young boy with his future lover. Disgusted at the sight, he ordered her to be executed.
This weapon deals 12 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Giant tree branch
Many wondered how such a large tree could prosper all the way out in the barren Outskirts.
This weapon deals 50 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 35 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None


Training hammer
E.G.O intended for Manager Education
This weapon deals 22 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Fragments from somewhere
The spear often tries to lead the wielder into a long and endless realm of mind, but they must try to not be swayed by it.
This weapon deals 22 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
As the horn digs deep into the enemy's heart, it will turn blood red to show off the glamor that she couldn't in her life.
This weapon deals 22 red damage. This weapon deals 50 damage when thrown. Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Throwable,
Dear lutemia
Don't you want your cares to go away?
This weapon deals 22 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Red eyes
It is likely able to hear, touch, smell, as well as see. And most importantly, taste.
This weapon deals 35 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Wrist cutter
The flesh cleanly cut by a sharp tool creates a grotesque pattern with the bloodstains on the suit.
This weapon deals 7 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Before swinging this weapon, expressing one’s condolences for the demise of the inmate who couldn't even have a funeral would be nice.
This weapon deals 38 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
One may think, 'How can a weapon drawn from such a cute Abnormality be any good?' However, the claws are actually quite durable and sharp.
This weapon deals 13 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Cherry blossoms
The flesh cleanly cut by a sharp tool creates a grotesque pattern with the bloodstains on the suit.
This weapon deals 17 white damage. This weapon deals 30 damage when thrown. Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small, Throwable,
Hat trick
Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality.
This weapon deals 16 black damage. This weapon deals 35 damage when thrown. Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small, Throwable,
It all returns to nothing.
This weapon deals 32 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Look to your sisters, and fight in sorority.
This weapon deals 17 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Magic bean
We may never find out what lies at the top, but perhaps those who made it are doing well up there.
This weapon deals 20 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Home sweet home. Warmth and safety aplenty.
This weapon deals 18 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Teeth sticking out of some spots of the equipment is a rather frightening sight.
This weapon deals 30 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
The thing itself had never forgotten its glory days.
This weapon deals 22 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,
It hits just right! Let's help ourselves to some wine when we come back!
This weapon deals 38 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Red sheet
A bo staff covered in talismans. Despite being tightly glued to the weapon, they flutter about as you strike.
This weapon deals 22 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Charge me with all your strength! Your horns cannot pierce my soul!
This weapon deals 22 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Four-leaf clover
A weapon fit for those that would backstab someone after gaining their trust.
This weapon deals 12 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Small,
Falada, Falada, thou art dead, and all the joy in my life has fled.
This weapon deals 10 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Visions of future past
A polearm that collapses, and extends while charging.
This weapon deals 18 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
It's very shocking.
This weapon deals 35 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A whip made of ties, strikes are imbued with the pain and exhaustion of a 9-5.
This weapon deals 32 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


This weapon can reach up to 2 tiles away This weapon costs 20 PE to extract
Weapon properties: Extended range,


A mace meant to purify the evil thoughts.
This weapon deals 14 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
If NAME can show that they are competent, then they may be able to draw Fairy Festival’s attention..
This weapon deals 14 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Little alice
You, now in wonderland!
This weapon deals 14 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
A hammer made with the desire to change anything
This weapon deals 14 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Knock the daylights out of 'em!
This weapon deals 14 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Evening twilight
I accepted the offer and paid the price.
This weapon deals 12 pale damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Melty eyeball
I felt like I was being dragged deeper into the swamp of gloom as the fight went on.
This weapon deals 14 black damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Letter opener
Trusty aid of a mailman.
This weapon deals 14 red damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None
Eclipse of scarlet moths
It's beautiful.
This weapon deals 14 white damage. This weapon cant be effectivelly thrown Fits in EGO belts?


this weapon does not have extended range This weapon costs 12 PE to extract
Weapon properties: None