Clerk Overview

Clerk has no time requirement.
The clerk is a role based on providing support to the facility and agents, they are poor at combat and they either perish or perform way more poor than agents. While looking somewhat disposable (which they are in many cases), the clerk has way more purpose than it seems. Well then, let us see what you can do, fresh meat.
Things that clerk can do
Job | Benefits |
Cooking | Cook food for agents so they do not have to steal or use vending machine food every 5 minutes, the kitchen is located in training department. You may also mix drinks and grow food from botany. Food primarly allow you to walk fast, as an empty stomach will greatly slow you down. You physically cannot attempt to create illegal weapons with botany as of late. |
Support | A clerk can grab E.M.A.I.S from Safety or request one to be bought to provide healing chemicals to agents with the tool. This tool is signature to clerks and can provide HP Healing throught Salicylic Acid or SP Healing throught Mind Stabiliser (remember to use the E.M.A.I.S in hand to change what you administer). Some clerks also spawn with their own tools to help out in various ways. It never hurts to carry E.M.A.I.S for quick recovery for your meat shi- Noble agents. |
Cleaning | Cleanbots already do the job of mopping up the blood, but they cannot take care of bodies, a certain abnormality loves it when this duty is neglected. Make sure to cremate the bodies using cremator or hang them over to willing weird chef that says that he can make it work... But do not forget to remove their equipment first and return it to Extraction. |
Officer Assistance | You may do things such as hang abnormality paper documents from the records department to their containment cell doors or bring lost EGO back to the extraction, the officers would gladly provide you work to do. |
Refining PE | You can directly assist in completing the work quota of the day by refining PE boxes to distribute to other companies and even obtain Armor, Weapons and Equipment for Agents to use! Refer to Guide to PE Refining |
Things to avoid doing
As a clerk, while you have uses, some things you do not excel with at all.
Combat - Clerks are poor fighters and they cannot use much without outside help, any abnormality with risk level beyond TETH is not worth attempting to fight as your death can cause more trouble than the benefit from you fighting. Your low level also makes you very suceptible to Fear from seeing a breaching abnormality, you may even go insane on the spot from seeing an Aleph or even Waw Abnormality!
Taking EGO and welling EGO - Your capabilities do not allow you to use most EGOs beyond Zayin, keep it where it is meant to be instead of making agents take it off your hands with force. Do not use EGO resources on wishing well tool without permission. Note that its not uncommon for Clerk to carry around Zayin EGO, but this is only for self defence, don't go out of your way to fight with them, and keep in mind Agents get priority for EGO.
Building oversight or ill intent - Do not change furniture landscape in a way that would make life of agents harder.
Slipping hazard - Never use the mop as agents like to go everywhere and WILL slip.
How to survive as a clerk past 40 minutes
Do you keep dying? There is some tricks you can employ due to your lack of responsibility due to dire times:
- Hiding, clerk can hide with no guilt at all in order to save themselves, it is better to be a coward than a free snack for abnormalities. You can use cremators, bodybags or lockers to accomplish this. Use managers floor if there is Blue Star or The Silent Orchestra.
- See no evil, your lack of capabilities makes you very prone to fear, avoid facing powerful abnormalities due to risk of going insane.
- It is pointless, if there is no abnormalities that benefit from deaths or corpses, you may as well not bother, it is just a mild annoyance to you.
Clerk Tricks
There is some secret techniques you can use that agents and most people forget entirely. Each has their own variety of risk in exchange for reward.
There is a spy among blurb - You can use shrimp injector in order to make shrimps from Shrimp Executive treat you as one of their own, you can use this to assassinate each one of them so agents do not have to risk it. Not viable if there is mass breach going on however.
Pipe rerouting - Tired of walking back and forth between information and extraction? Consider grabbing the tools and rerouting the disposal pipe system towards extraction for a quick shortcut permanently available. Worst case scenario, you mess up the pipes.
Secret consumables. - Some drinks can provide benefits to agents, such as barefoot. You can use this to their advantage. No downside to failing.