Guide to Fishing

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This guide will go over the very basics of fishing and how you can benefit from catching aquatic organisms from the safety of the silver edge of their world. :)

PART 1: Your Tools!

Typically this guide is included in a tacklebox but if you happen to not have that you can buy your own starter kit from the nearest shop or forage your gear from the world!

The Fishin' Rod

The Fishin' Rod is your main tool for fishin. Hold the fishing rod in your main hand and then hit it against a viable turf to fish. This can be water or green polluted water! When you cast your rod you will see a bobber appear in the water. Simply sit and wait for fish to start comin in. The speed at which you fish is determined by your fishing skill level, each level shaves off 10% of the 10 second wait for each catch.

In your tacklebox you may find a line and a hook. Attach these to your rod in order to Increase its effectiveness level. Rod effectiveness is difficult to explain due to it being some bizzaro measurement by the other fishers on how much more likely you are to get a rare catch.

The Fishin Net

is a more passive form of fishing. The fish swim through and get tangled up in the net. You have to be quick to notice the net is full in order to grab those fish while they are alive! Fishin Nets can only be placed on turf that has fish I.E. bodies of water that your fishing rod works on. You do not gain fishing experience from fishing nets and their chances to catch rare fish are very low.

PART 2: Fish Chances And Market

Fish Chances

Fish Chances are determined by the water your fishing in and your fishing effectiveness. Fishin up a freshwater guppy in a saltwater environment is not possible unless your fishin for dead allochthonous fish. Finding out the difference between salt water and freshwater can be done by exsamining the water's features.

The Fish Market

is a machine that has recently popped up near fishing areas. It accepts fish and bone hooks in exchange for brass balls that you can use to buy from its store. Between you an me, its some weird shop trying to cheat us outta our catch with some glorified tokens that can only be spent in one place. Shame since its the only place that sells quality fishin' equipment. The shop seems to accept fish based on this value system: normal fish are 2 brass balls, second level fish are 10, third level fish are 50, and fourth level fish are 100. These values are also effected by the fishes size and weight, ya know like 50% more if its 50% bigger than average.

Ah i should mention that you should cook your fish before eating them. You'll catch somethin' if you eat em raw. Well that's all i got. Good fishin' to ya.