LC13 2024 Roadmap

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LC13 Round Related Features

Station Traits/Station Theme

  • Randomly pick a theme based off of one of the departments, that affects the game in some way.
  • There's both a positive and negative theme for each department.

Random Events

  • Random events that are themed off the station theme

Misc Inclusions

  • ERAs get +5 stats for each ordeal completed.
  • Add back Gamemodes.

Abnormality Goals

  • Add in the final Lobotomy Corp abnormality
  • Work on Limbus Abnormalities

Role Goals

  • Add in a Mentor Only role - Records Agent
  • Add in a Hardmode agent role.

Temporary Abnormality Annihilation (1 Month)

  • Remove all abnormalities for 2 months
  • Start from scratch adding new abnormalities
  • Add more abnormalities as they get cleaned up

Wonderlab Revival

  • Bring back the Wonderlab gamemode somehow.
  • With or without city.