Limbus Company Labs Jobs

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Command Roles

Rank Name Role Expectations
ExMGR District Manager Run the facility. Make sure the researchers aren't doing warcrimes.

Keep Asset Protection off your ass. Die. Hard.

- Run the Facility

- Make sure the research is done - Make sure the heads of staff are competent

OVR Asset Protection

(Trusted Only)

Spent the entire round complaining that the Lead researcher isn't doing enough paperwork.

Realize that the researchers have been feeding the staff to MOSB without your permission, and so you write a strongly worded letter to the district manager to get their shit together.

- Make sure that the abnormalities are not killed.

- File paperwork as needed. - Make sure assets are being used properly.

Research and Support Roles

Rank Name Role Expectations
MGR Lead Researcher Stop your researchers from committing warcrimes.

Approve research before it's started to keep Asset Protection off your ass. Do paperwork. Do more paperwork. Stamp shit and get more paperwork done. Cry when asset protection faxes you for not doing enough paperwork.

- Spearhead research

- Get a read on the abnormality's personalities. - Make sure that the researchers are ethical.

AMGR Information Systems Technician Sit in your little room and build computers for everyone.

After all, they make paperwork easier.

- Build and maintain the laptops used around the facility

- Optimize communications via NTSL (Not finished yet.)

AMGR Senior Researcher Pretend that you know what you're doing.

Find new things for the abnormalities to interact with, and react to. End up pissing off MOSB and killing everyone because the staff burger isn't enough to satiate it.

- Speak with abnormalities

- Perform general research based off their reactions - Ship that research back to command.

L3 Researcher Spend 15 minutes chatting with an abnormality just for it to get mad and breach anyways.

Die an embarassing death.

- Speak with abnormalities

- Perform general research based off their reactions - Ship that research back to command.

L1 LC Staff Save the day at the 11th hour, and still get complained at to do paperwork.

Be Generally useless.

- No duties.

- Cook, Clean and do all the clerk stuff. - Assist in paperwork and running communications.

Medical Roles

Rank Name Role Expectations
MGR Chief Medical Officer Run the medical department. Scream because it's medical.

Spend the first 10 minutes doing nothing, then the rest of the shift scraping bodies off the floor with a spoon. Shoot your pharmacist for making meth in the pharmacy. Make sure that the triage stations are properly manned. The ride never ends!

- Run the medical department

- Fill in for the surgeon as needed - Make sure that the nurse does what they're supposed to. - Leave the treatment room for the surgeon.

AMGR Surgeon Assist the CMO in their human butchery. Kill an abnormality with your circular saw.

Realize the nurses aren't doing shit, and make sure that the poor Low-sec bastard that got here 40 minutes ago wakes up. Scream because you're the assistant department head of medical. Be the baddest bitch in medbay.

- Manage your nurses

- Keep triage stations stocked with equipment. - Perform lengthy surgeries - Manage the Medbay treatment room.

L3 Pharmacist Make meth in the back.

Make more meth in the back. Make a bit of mannitol to get the CMO off your ass. Unleash your inner Walter White Just a bit more meth. I swear, just a bit more meth One mor-

- Make sure the medbay is stocked with medicine.
L2 Nurse Assist the Surgeon and CMO in treating patients.

In reality, recreate the Texas chainsaw massacre with LC staff. Assist the surgeon as needed; and run off to the triage station and hit it off with the HighSec Commander.

- Help in medbay

- Run Triage stations as needed.

L2 Paramedic Run around like a chicken with your head cut off.

Drag patients between medbay, triage and the MOSB cell. Run away.... from everything.

- Move patients as needed.

Security Roles

Rank Name Role Expectations
SiLT Damage Mitigation Officer Try to protect command from MOSB, but only give them time to run away.

Baton a staffie into the wall until dead becuase they slapped the manager. Guard the command area from a breaching Big Bird and die, horribly.

- Keep command staff alive.

- Guard the command zone from abnormalities and people.

SiLT Damage Exasperation Officer KILL.


- Assist in Low and high sec as needed.

- Offer more manpower to underpowered departments.

Rank Name Role Expectations
SiCPT High-Security Commander Say something stupid and IMMEDIATELY have MOSB breach to kill you.

Alternatively, Spend the entire round itching to use your gun, and you never will.

- Run the High-Security zone

- Make sure that people that should be in there are in there - Keep people that shouldn't be in there out. - Keep the abnormalities alive and contained.

CPL High-Security Officer Spend the whole round roleplaying with Big Bird, and have it protect you when it breaches.

Beat the fuck out of the clerk breaking your window. Leave the ordeal suppression to Low-sec, so you don't die an idiot.

- Assist in the High-Sec Zone.

- Make sure that people that should be in there are in there - Keep people that shouldn't be in there out. - Keep the abnormalities alive and contained. - Roleplay with abnos when no one else is.

Rank Name Role Expectations
SiCPT Low-Security Commander Run the dirtbags in low-sec.

Complain that asset protection won't let you kill an annoying Cleaner. Eventually feed him with corpses. Give up and down the bottle of champagne in your office.

- Run the Low-Security zone

- Make sure that people that should be in there are in there - Keep people that shouldn't be in there out. - Keep the abnormalities alive and contained.

LNC Low-Security Officer Immediately pick up the worst tool and die to some dumb shit.

Be generally and seriously incompetent. Be a doom guy with your shotgun, killing everything in your way.

- Assist in the Low-Sec Zone.

- Make sure that people that should be in there are in there - Keep people that shouldn't be in there out. - Keep the abnormalities alive and contained. - Roleplay with abnos when no one else is.

Guide to Limbus Company Labs Rank (Temporary

Managerial Roles

Rank Name Info
OVR Site Overseer The current overseer of the site. They may not interfere with the executive manager unless necessary.
ExMGR Executive Manager The current manager of the site.

They run all standard operations on site, and are the de-facto head.

MGR Manager Managers of specific departments, and smaller branches. Unimportant managers fall under this umbrella.
AMGR Assistant Manager Assistant managers to other Managers, or executive managers.

Combat Roles

Rank Name Info
SiCPT Site Captain Captains of major combat departments, as well as very high-ranking combat staff.

Also a managerial role.

SiLT Site Lieutenant Lieutenants of Combat departments, managers of minor combat departments, or high ranking and important combat staff.

Also a managerial role

MCPL Master Corporal High ranking combat staff with command. Generally given to squad leaders. Currently goes unused.
CPL Corporal High ranking combat staff with absolutely no command. Given to strong combat units.
LNC Lance Corporal Low ranking combat staff with no command. Given to combat units out of training.

Non-Combat Roles

Rank Name Info
L3 Level 3 Staff High ranking, non-combat, not managerial staff.
L2 Level 2 Staff Ranking, non-combat, non-managerial staff
L1 Level 1 Staff Low ranking non-combat, non-managerial staff