R-Corp Expedition

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Resource Types

Low-Tier Factories

Name Materials Required Desc
First Aid Kit L1 (x2) 1x Red Material

1x Green Material

A simple first aid pouch to go on your pocket. Holds 3 medical items

Starts with an Epi, and a special pen that heals both HP and SP. Cannot put items back

Flares (x6) 1x Red Material

1x Green Material

A pouch containing 6 flares. While flashlights are standard issue,

it is sometimes nice to be able to light up entire areas.

Conveyor Belts (x30) 2x Green Material Essential for moving equipment and materials around the map.
Sandbags (x20) 2x Green Material Required for engineering to do their job defending oil wells.
Spare Flashlight 2x Green Material While expensive, flashlights are a more permanent option than flares.

Better for late game when you wish to spend large amounts of green.

P-Corp Canned Bread (x10) 1x Red Material

1x Green Material

Unlocked by default.
Random Low Level Weapon 2x Red Material A random Selection of R-Corp Light Weaponry.
R-Corp Random Pistol 2x Red Material A random red, white or black R-Corp pistol.
R-Corp Random Melee 2x Red Material Get a random low-level melee weapon.

Comes in red, white, black and pale!

Emplacement Gun 1x Red Material

1x Green Material

A simple manned emplacement gun. Useful for combat engineers to man in a pinch.

Medium-Tier Factories

Name Materials Required Desc
Radio Headset 2x Purple Materials A spare radio headset.

Recommended for departmental heads and other essential personnel. Not recommended for mass production.

Health Hud Glasses 2x Purple Materials Health Hud Glasses

Extremely important for support roles, team leaders and medical staff.

Random Med Level Weapon 2x Blue Materials A random Selection of R-Corp specialized weaponry.
Multiphase Blade 2x Blue Materials One R-Corp Multiphase blade
High Traction Tiles (x20) 1x Blue Materials Tiles that increase movement speed slightly.

Could be useful for setting up faster ways to move couriers around.

Stun Device 1x Blue Materials

1x Purple Materials

A taser used to stun enemies.
HP Projector 1x Blue Materials

1x Purple Materials

An HP Projector. Used to project HP onto enemies or allies.
First Aid Kit L2 2x Purple Materials A first aid pouch holding 6 advanced SP/HP injectors and epi.

High-Tier Factories

Name Materials Required Desc
Thermal Vision Goggles 2x Grey Materials Lets you see living entities through walls.
Night Vision Goggles 2x Orange Materials Lets you see in the dark!
Stun Trapper Device 1x Grey Materials

1x Orange Materials

A device that leaves stun traps behind
Random High Level Weapon 2x Grey Materials A very powerful R-Corp weapon
Superlight Rhino 5x Grey Materials

2x Orange Materials

A very light rhino with low HP, but still more than a robin outside of one.

Role Overview

Command roles

Role Name # Department Difficulty Role Mechanics Notes
Operations Commander 1 Command Roleplay - Very High

Mechanics - High

Combat - Medium

[Trusted Only]Lead the men from the front or at the base. Make sure that the oil is getting sent back properly.

Send your Couriers around as you can, and make global announcements as needed.

One of two roles with a roundstart headset
Base Commander 1 Command Roleplay - High

Mechanics - High

Combat - Low

Make sure that the Support, Production and Engineering departments are all running properly. One of two roles with a roundstart headset

Combat Engineering Roles

Role Name # Department Difficulty Role Mechanics Notes
Rook Team Captain 1 Command/Engineering Roleplay - High

Mechanics - Medium

Combat - Medium

Run the Forwards Engineering team. Make sure that the appropriate Oil wells are defended.
R-Corp Rook 5 Engineering Roleplay - Medium

Mechanics - Medium

Combat - High

Build defenses around Oil wells. Man the oil well defenses.

Acquisitions Roles

Role Name # Department Difficulty Role Mechanics Notes
Robin Team Captain 1 Command/Acquisitions Roleplay - High

Mechanics - Low

Combat - Medium

Run the entire robin team, and directly man Robin Section A.

An Acquisitions team consists of a Squad Leader, and 3 Section A Robins

Robin Section Leader 2 Acquisitions Roleplay - High

Mechanics - Low

Combat - Medium

Directly man 1 Robin Squad, of one squad leader and 2 Either Section B or Section C Robins.

Make sure that oil wells are acquired. Stay alive.

Collaborate with the Production team to get your men what you need.

Robin Squad Leader 3 Acquisitions Roleplay - Medium

Mechanics - Low

Combat - High

Lead a robin squad to the oil wells to capture them at the orders of your Section Leader.

Push into enemy-infested zones to clean them out for engineers and production to move in.

Robin Section A/B/C 9 Acquisitions Roleplay - Low

Mechanics - Low

Combat - High

Follow your Squad leader!

Section A Robins follow Green Berets

Section B Robins follow Red Berets

Section C Robins follow Blue Berets

Production Department

Role Name # Department Difficulty Role Mechanics Notes
Production Officer 1 Command/Production Roleplay - High

Mechanics - High

Combat - Low

Run the Production department. Make sure that oil wells are kept up and running, and that the production team isn't goofing off.
Acquisitions Specialist 3 Production Roleplay - Low

Mechanics - High

Combat - Low

Set up the oil wells. Set conveyor belts up to send oil back to the base.

Yell at Production. Cry.

Production Specialist 3 Production Roleplay - Low

Mechanics - High

Combat - Low

Set up the factory's conveyor belts to send the correct material to the correct machines.

Manually send shit to the correct machines. Yell at Acquisitions


Support Department

Role Name # Department Difficulty Role Mechanics Notes
Raven Team Captain 1 Command/Support Roleplay - High

Mechanics - High

Combat - Low

Run the Raven. Assist the Operations Commander as a support unit.

Make sure that your goons are doing their job.

Raven MP 3 Support Roleplay - Medium

Mechanics - Low

Combat - Medium

Make sure that no shitters blow up the production line.

Defend the base from enemies as they come in.

Set up base defenses when the Combat Engineers are out.

Assist Production in your spare time.

Raven Messenger 3 Support Roleplay - High

Mechanics - Medium

Combat - Medium

Send messages from the base command staff to the acquisitions staff.

Run from the base to the outside to get messages sent to the staff outside.

Tips and Tricks

Role Tips What you can do!
Command As command you're in charge of everything going on. Most people don't know what they're doing, so remind them often of how the modes mechanics work.

Do a briefing, and during it make sure you let people know they need to stay next to the oil wells to actually generate materials! Keep Production and Acquisitions from fighting each other for tools, they'll need to work together, not against each other.

Combat Engineers You're the Rooks! Much like a Rook in chess, you're here to protect the 'king', or in this case, the materials.

You're in charge of setting up defenses. The tools of the trade are your sandbags and your emplacements which are manned turrets. You'll start with a limited amount of sandbags, so split it up fairly amongst the team. During briefing, try to figure out what Robins squad you'll be going with, either the commander will tell you who you're with, or you'll just need to ask. Sandbags can be shot through if you're RIGHT next to them, but you'll shoot the bags if you're not next to them, build accordingly and don't cut off firing lanes with your sand.bags.

Acquisitions You're the one in charge of setting up wells, and so you will need to know how to work with these machines. Tools are limited in supply so make sure you share them with Production.

To place the conveyors you'll be using, hold them in your hand and click on the ground. If you need to adjust the direction it's going, use a wrench. To pick it up you'll use a crowbar. After they're down you'll need to use a lever on it.

Production As production you'll be working together to make supplies for EVERYONE. Starting out, try to focus on defenses and more conveyors. People will need first aid kits, sandbags, and better weapons.

After you are getting enough materials, start working on radios, but don't go crazy with it. As things develop just try and ask what people need. If you don't know what to build, ask a member of command.

Support This is a fast and loose role, focus on what the team needs most at that moment. Messengers should stick with squads, preferably one each.

When radio's start getting distributed, try and deliver radios to each of the squad and role leaders. If there aren't enough people, MP's can work as additional messengers, but do so only with permission from your team captain or higher up. Protecting the base should be your priority.