Guide to PE Refining

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What is PE refining?

PE refining is a mechanic in the game that allows to use raw PE from cargo and refine it in order to afterwards trade it for various goods.

Getting started

Your first step to refine PE is getting PE boxes.

The Extraction Office, with cargo console on image.

You may purchase raw PE box from resources tab of console, but you may also use the crate at the bottom of Extraction, it has some PE boxes in it and it is a good storage for next PE boxes later on. From there on you must proceed from extraction to wherever is the information department in your facility.

Refining proccess

The refining area in information department.

Upon reaching information, you will see the refining device in the image displayed, near it are filters. Put PE box inside the refinery machine and it will start refining, you may optionally use filters to speed up by aligning correct number using filters, but overloading past the number will destroy the PE box entirely. After some time, the PE box will be refined, ready to be used.

PE Boxes usage

Once you have obtained refined PE box, you have two choices on your hand, you can either give the refined PE boxes to representative for their services or put through an inputs you have seen earlier at extraction for a chance to get gear. PE boxes can also be given to representative raw, but refined PE boxes are worth double.

Input table

Input Crate reward pool
Syndicate The thumb, Index, Blade Lineage sets. Very rare rewards: Index Messenger set, sottocapo cane and suit, Index swords, blade lineage admin suit.
J-Corp Syndicate Los Mariachis sets, Ting-tang sets. Very rare rewards: Aida set.
Backstreets Rats weapons, butcherers knives, axe gang weapons, sweeper hook. Very rare items: Unique sweeper blades.
Hana All of association items. Very rare items: Hana sets.
Allas Workshop Generic fixer weapons, Jeong office weapons. Very rare items: Color fixer items.
Zelkova Full-stop sets, dawn office sets. Wedge office sets. Very rare items: The leader items of said offices.
Lobotomy Clerk gadgets, manager bullets, abnormality tool EGO extractor. Very rare items: None
Zelkova Full-stop sets, dawn office sets. Wedge office sets. Very rare items: The leader items of said offices.
N-Corp N-Corp sets, N-Corp marks. Very rare loot: The one Who Grips sets, Guido sets.
Seven Seven sets. Very rare items: Seven director set
Liu Section 5 Liu sets, Section 1 Liu sets. Very rare items: None
S-Corp S-Corp guns, S-Corp soda, S-Corp shrimp grenades, hostile shrimp. Very rare items: None
K-Corp K-Corp staff level 1 items, K-Corp pistol. Very rare items: K-Corp SMG, K-Corp level 3 staff set.
W-Corp W-Corp vest, W-Corp uniform, W-Corp weapons. Very rare items: None
Rosespanner Rosespanner sets, Rosespanner gear boxes Very rare items: Pale Rosespanner Gearbox
Zwei Zwei sets. Very rare items: None
Limbus Limbus company sinner sets, Durante. Very rare items: None