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''Company Representative is a role for trusted players only. To apply for trusted status, see [ Trusted Player Application]''
''To view paperwork for Roleplaying purposes, see [[Representative Paperwork]]''
''To view paperwork for Roleplaying purposes, see [[Representative Paperwork]]''

Latest revision as of 19:45, 11 May 2024

Company Representative is a role for trusted players only. To apply for trusted status, see Trusted Player Application

To view paperwork for Roleplaying purposes, see Representative Paperwork

Representative Overview

This is a trusted role. To apply, visit the discord.

You are a representative from another company that's here to sell your equipment to L-Corp!

What does this mean?

It means that you are here to make dealings through RP to get you money, and L Corporation the gear that they need.

The first step is to pick a company to represent. The Default is L-Corp, but you can change it by clicking on the name in the occupancy tab.

Each Company can offer L-Corp different equipment, so tailor yourself to which company you think would be fun to RP as, as well as which one you think would be useful to everyone.

Representative Type Has PE Input? Company blurb and backstory Theme
L-Corporation Yes L-Corporation Representatives come from the HQ. You're here to over-see various daily going-ons at L-Corp.

You are a representative, that's lateral to the manager, but shouldn't be fucking with everyday things. After all, you're here to make sure that they're being efficient and working well.

Various support skills and overarching abilities
K-Corporation Yes K-Corporation is a high-tech medical company that ships healing chemicals around the City.

You are likely a medical researcher, or a salesman, or an executive trying to trade for money.

HP healing and revival abilities.
N-Corporation Yes N-Corporation is a shady company that doesn't tell more than they need to.

They sell "Canned Experiences", that can help agents become stronger through them.

Stat-gaining items.
P-Corporation No P-Corporation sells mostly canned bread and other storage devices.

Not much is known about them at the time of writing.

Various Storage devices.
R-Corporation Yes R-Corporation is a militant organization that gives high quality mercenaries to multiple companies, including L-Corp.

You are likely an arms dealer, low level officer, or executive.

Strong ERTs and great weapons
W-Corporation Yes W-Corporation is on the cutting edge of teleportation technology. You own local trains and teleportation technology.

You are likely an executive or representative.

Variety - ERTs, Weapon Purchases

and Movement items

Generic Research

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
Rat Equipment Stock 10PE None Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • Rat Knife (100 Ahn)
  • Rat Hammer (100 Ahn)
  • Brick (100 Ahn)
  • Metal Pipe (100 Ahn)
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade I 5PE None Increases Refinery speed by 10%.
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade II 5PE Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade I Increases Refinery speed by 10% (Total: 20%)
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade I 5PE None Increases Sales time by 10%.
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade II 5PE Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade I Increases Sales time by 10% (Total: 20%)
Zwei Section 6 Team 10PE None Requests an ERT from the local Zwei team.

Summons up to 8 Zwei Association Members.

Generic Research Equipment Tables

Generic Research Weapon Table
Name Requirements Damage Speed
Rat Knife None 10 Red 0.5x
Rat Hammer 18 Red 1x
Brick 5 Red

50 Red (thrown)

Metal Pipe 55 Red 3x


L-Corporation Sales

Item Name Cost
L Corp Regeneration Augmentation Kit 400 Ahn
L Corp Slowing Trap Generator 400 Ahn
L Corp Vitals Projector 400 Ahn
L Corp Clerkbot Kit 400 Ahn
L Corp Taser 700 Ahn

L-Corporation Research

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
Reroll Abno Choices 10PE None Give the manager a choice of 3 more abnormalities.
Enable Red Roll 5PE None Lets the manager fully randomize the abnormalities from all risk classes.
Repeatable: RAK the Regeneration System 10PE None Instantly burst heals all regenerators in the facility. (22.5% HP/SP heal)
Alter Facility PE Quota I 10PE None Lowers PE Quota by 1000
Alter Facility PE Quota II 15PE Alter Facility PE Quota I Lowers PE Quota by 1000
Alter Facility PE Quota III 20PE Alter Facility PE Quota II Lowers PE Quota by 1000
Limit Breaker Injector 25PE None Create an item that increases the stat limit of an agent to 140
Officer Limit Breaker Injector 10PE None Create an item that increases the stat limit of an officer to 80
Abnormality Scanner 10PE None Create an item that can be used on abnormalities to increase understanding.

Only officers can use it, which takes 30 seconds and give 10% Understanding.

Refinery Upgrades

The L-Corporation Representative does get access to additional refinement and sales increases.

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade III 5PE Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade II Increases Refinery speed by 10% (Total: 30%)
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade IV 5PE Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade III Increases Refinery speed by 10% (Total: 40%)
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade V 10PE Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade IV Increases Refinery speed by 10% (Total: 50%)
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade VI 10PE Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade V Increases Refinery speed by 10% (Total: 60%)
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade VII 10PE Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade VI Increases Refinery speed by 10% (Total: 70%)
Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade VIII 10PE Refinement Process Efficiency Upgrade VII Increases Refinery speed by 10% (Total: 80%)
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade III 5PE Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade II Increases Sales time by 10% (Total: 30%)
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade IV 5PE Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade III Increases Sales time by 10% (Total: 40%)
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade V 10PE Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade IV Increases Sales time by 10% (Total: 50%)
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade VI 10PE Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade V Increases Sales time by 10% (Total: 60%)
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade VII 10PE Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade VI Increases Sales time by 10% (Total: 70%)
Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade VIII 10PE Sales Process Efficiency Upgrade VII Increases Sales time by 10% (Total: 80%)


K-Corporation Sales

Item Name Cost
K Corp Intern Outfit 100 Ahn
K Corp Baton 400 Ahn
K Corp Axe 400 Ahn
K Corp Shield 400 Ahn
K Corp Pistol 400 Ahn

K-Corporation Research

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
Ampule Runoff Permit 10PE None Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • K-Corp Healing Ampule (300 Ahn)
    • They hea 40 HP instantly
K-Corporation Experimental Ampule 15PE Ampule Runoff Permit Creates an item that can revive someone once.
K-Corporation Experimental Ampule II 30PE K-Corporation Experimental Ampule Creates an item that can revive someone once.
K-Corporation Health Booster 10PE Ampule Runoff Permit Creates an item that increases maximum HP by 20.
K-Corp Healing Drones 10PE Ampule Runoff Permit Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • K-Corp Drone Spawner (600 Ahn)
Manager Bullet Permits 10PE None Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • K-Corp Manager Bullet (100 Ahn)
Chem Injection Implant 10PE None Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • K-Corp Implanter (50 Ahn)
  • K-Corp Chem Implant (300 Ahn)
Class 1 Strike Team 10PE None Spawns a K-Corp ERT to assist with suppression

Spawn up to 6 K-Corp Class 1s

Class 3 Strike Team 20PE Class 1 Strike Team Spawns a K-Corp ERT to assist with Suppression

Spawn up to 3 K Corp Class 3s

K-Corp Asset Protection Service 0PE Class 1 Strike Team Spawns an ERT with the express goal of killing all L-Corp members.

Use if L-Corp is stealing the gear from your previous ERTs.

Repeatable: RAK the Regeneration System 10PE None Instantly burst heals all regenerators in the facility.
K-Corp Weapon Permit 5PE None No Effect.
K-Corp Spears Shipment 10PE K-Corp Weapon Permit Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • K-Corp Spear (600 Ahn)
  • K-Corp Blast Spear (600 Ahn)
K-Corp Firearms Shipment 10PE K-Corp Weapon Permit Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • K-Corp Machinepistole (600 Ahn)
  • K-Corp Light Grenade Launcher (600 Ahn)
K-Corp Class-1 Armor Shipment 10 PE K-Corp Weapon Permit Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • K-Corp Class-1 Armor (600 Ahn)
  • K-Corp Class-1 Helmet (100 Ahn)
  • K-Corp Class-1 Visor Helmet (100 Ahn)

K-Corporation Equipment Tables

K-Corporation Weapon Table
Name Requirements Damage Speed Details
K-Corp Baton None 22 Red 1x
K-Corp Axe None 35 Red 1.7x
K-Corp Shield None Can block for: V Red, IV White, IV Black, II Pale

-50% Movespeed while owned

K-Corp Pistol None 15 Red 100 RPM
K-Corp Spear 80 Fortitude

60 Prudence

60 Temperance

60 Justice

44 Red 1.2x 2 range
K-Corp Blast Spear 22 Red 0.6x 2 range
K-Corp Machinepistole 15 Red 750 RPM
K-Corp Grenade Launcher 15 Red 60 Red damage explosion


N-Corporation Sales

Item Name Cost

N-Corporation Research

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
N-Corporation Small Experience Ampules (x3) 5PE None Creates 3 ampules that grant 3 to all stats.
N-Corporation Medium Experience Ampules (x3) 10PE N-Corporation Small Experience Ampules (x3) Creates 3 ampules that grant 5 to all stats.
N-Corporation Large Experience Ampules (x3) 25PE N-Corporation Medium Experience Ampules (x3) Creates 3 ampules that grant 10 to all stats.
N-Corporation Extra Large Experience Ampule 50PE N-Corporation Large Experience Ampules (x3) Creates an ampule that grants 20 to all stats.
N-Corporation Limit Breaker Ampule I 25PE None Create an item that increases the stat limit of an agent to 140
N-Corporation Limit Breaker Ampule II 25PE N-Corporation Limit Breaker Ampule I Create an item that increases the stat limit of an agent to 140
N-Corporation Temporary Experience Ampules 10 PE N-Corporation Small Experience Ampules (x3) Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • Fading Fortitude Ampule (500 Ahn)
  • Fading Prudence Ampule (500 Ahn)
  • Fading Temperance Ampule (500 Ahn)
  • Fading Justice Ampule (500 Ahn)
N-Corporation Strengthened Temporary Experience Ampules 15 PE N-Corporation Temporary Experience Ampules Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • Fading Attribute Ampule (1000 Ahn)
N-Corporation Focused Temporary Experience Ampules 25 PE N-Corporation Strengthened Temporary Experience Ampules Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • Focused Fading Fortitude Ampule (1500 Ahn)
  • Focused Fading Prudence Ampule (1500 Ahn)
  • Focused Fading Temperance Ampule (1500 Ahn)
  • Focused Fading Justice Ampule (1500 Ahn)


P-Corporation Sales

Item Name Cost
P Corp Canned Bread 10 Ahn

P-Corporation Research

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
P Corp Large Backpack (x2) 10PE None Creates 2 backpacks that hold 3 items of any size.
P Corp XL Backpack (x2) 15PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Creates 2 backpacks that hold 5 items of any size.
P Corp Twin EGO Belt (x2) 10PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Creates an EGO belt that holds 2 regular size EGO weapons
P Corp EGO Armor Belt (x2) 10PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Creates an EGO belt that holds 3 EGO Armor sets.
P Corp Speed Crate (x2) 10PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Create a special crate that speeds you up while you drag it.
Repurchaseable: P Corp Pouch (x2) 5PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Create 2 items that go into a pocket slot and hold 4 small items.
Repurchaseable: P Corp Weapon Pouch (x2) 5PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Create 2 items that go into a pocket slot and holds 1 EGO belt EGO
Repurchasable: P Corp Dimensional Gloves 10PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Create gloves that hold 3 small EGO
Repurchasable: P Corp Dimensional Gloves MK2 10PE P Corp Large Backpack (x2) Create gloves that holds 1 EGO


R-Corporation Sales

Item Name Cost Details
R Corp Mercenary Outfit 100 Ahn Cosmetic
R Corp Ordeal Detector 500 Ahn Lets you locate Ordeals based on their proximity.
R Corp Lawnmower 2000 700 Ahn
R Corp Officer Outfit 100 Ahn Cosmetic

R-Corporation Research

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
Red Weaponry 5PE None Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • R-Corp X-15 Minigun (600 Ahn)
  • R-Corp X-12 Sniper (600 Ahn)
  • R-Corp X-13 Beam Rifle (600 Ahn)
  • R-Corp X-9 Heavy (700 Ahn)
  • R-Corp Model 2200 (600 Ahn)
  • R-Corp Model 2300 (600 Ahn)
Single Phase Weaponry 5PE Red Weaponry Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • R-Corp Model 2100 White (700 Ahn)
  • R-Corp Model 2400 Black (700 Ahn)
  • R-Corp Model 2900 Pale (700 Ahn)
Multiphase Weaponry 10PE Single Phase Weaponry Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • R-Corp Model 2800 (800 Ahn)
  • R-Corp 3500 Minigun (800 Ahn)
  • R-Corp High Frequency Combat Blade (800 Ahn)
Experimental Weaponry 10PE Single Phase Weaponry Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • R-Corp Rush Blade (900 Ahn)
  • R-Corp Reindeer Staff (900 Ahn)
4th Pack Rabbit Team 10PE None Spawns an ERT to assist L-Corp in breaches.
4th Pack Raven Team 15PE 4th Pack Rabbit Team Spawns an ERT to assist L-Corp in breaches.
4th Pack Triple Rhinos 25PE 4th Pack Raven Team Spawns an ERT to assist L-Corp in breaches.
Rabbit Kill Team 0PE None Spawns an ERT with the express goal of killing all L-Corp members.

Use if L-Corp is stealing the gear from your previous ERTs.


W-Corporation Sales

Item Name Cost
W Corp Cleanup Outfit 100 Ahn
W Corp Hat 100 Ahn
W Corp Cleanup Baton 500 Ahn
W Corp Armor Vest 700 Ahn

W-Corporation Research

Research Name Cost Requirements Effect
W-Corp Type A Weapons 10PE None Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • W-Corp Type A Fist (1000 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type A Axe (1000 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type A Spear (1000 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type A Dagger (1000 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type A Hammer (1000 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type A Hatchet (1000 Ahn)
W-Corp Type C Weapons 10PE None Unlocks the following items for purchase:
  • W-Corp Type C Sword (850 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type C Glaive (850 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type C Club (850 Ahn)
  • W-Corp Type C Axe (850 Ahn)
W-Corp L1 Cleanup Team 5PE None Spawns an ERT to assist L-Corp in breaches.
W-Corp L2 Cleanup Team 10PE W-Corp L1 Cleanup Team Spawns an ERT to assist L-Corp in breaches.
Prototype Quantum Pads 10PE None Creates 2 quantum pads, with keys that can be used to teleport.
Prototype Quantum Pads II 10PE Prototype Quantum Pads Creates 2 quantum pads, with keys that can be used to teleport.
Repurchasable: Quantum Pad Keys (x2) 3PE None Creates 2 spare quantum keys for more people to use.
Repurchasable: W-Corp High-Traction Tiles (x100) 10PE None Creates 100 tiles that speed up agents slightly. Needs to be installed by clerks.

+30% movespeed while stepping on them.

Repurchasable: W-Corp Quick Tiles (30x) 10PE None Creates 30 tiles that speed up agents significantly. Needs to be installed by clerks.

+100% movespeed while stepping on them.

W-Corporation Equipment Tables

W-Corporation Armor Table
Name Requirements Defence Extra
W-Corp Armored Vest 55 Fortitude

55 Prudence

55 Temperance

55 Justice


III White

III Black

III Pale

+10% Movespeed
W-Corporation Weapon Table
Name Requirements Damage Speed Details
W-Corp Cleanup Baton None 18 Black 1x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack.

Spend 2 charge; attack again at 100% Damage (No Justice Scaling)

W-Corp Gauntlet 60 Fortitude

60 Prudence

80 Temperance

60 Justice

40 Black 1x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack

Spend 3 charges; attack again at 300% damage (No justice scaling), knock target back

W-Corp Axe 80 Fortitude

60 Prudence

60 Temperance

60 Justice

70 Black 2x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack

Spend 4 charges; attack again at 200% Damage (No justice scaling), slow target

W-Corp Spear 60 Fortitude

80 Prudence

60 Temperance

60 Justice

40 Black 1.2x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack

Spend 3 charges; attack again in AOE at 100% Damage (No justice scaling)

2 range

W-Corp Dagger 60 Fortitude

60 Prudence

80 Temperance

60 Justice

25 Black 0.5x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack

Spend 8 charges; attack again 3 times at 100% Damage (No justice scaling)

W-Corp Hammer 80 Black 2x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack

Spend 8 charges; attack again for 100% Damage (No justice scaling), Rend for +20% Black Damage taken (5 seconds)

W-Corp Hatchet 34 Black 1x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack

Spend 5 charges; attack again for 100% Damage (No justice scaling), massively slow target

W-Corp Shieldblade 60 Fortitude

60 Prudence

80 Temperance

60 Justice

35 Black 1x 20 Charge Maximum.

Gain charge on attack

Spend 12 charges; gain a 100 damage shield.

W-Corp Shieldglaive 1.2x
W-Corp Shieldclub 1.5x
W-Corp Shieldaxe 45 Black 1.5x